Super fan shows off her spread of books

Super Fan Deb keeps adding to her book collection

Wow, right? What a lot of #personalizedromancenovels. Well there’s a story behind this collection by Super Fan Deb. Way back when The Today Show called to feature on Bob Dotson’s American Story, they asked for the names of a couple of customers they could interview.

We scoured our database and came up with a couple we did not know: Deb & Mikey. We sent them an email out of the blue: Would they be willing to talk to the reporter? They agreed, and the show’s producer called them to be interviewed for the TV segment about Turns out they were perfect on air – full of laughs and energy and not shy at all. Also turns out that we all became friends sharing excitement over the national publicity.

Then, through the years, this sweet couple, especially Deb, kept wanting more and more of the novels – there are now 50 available – and she is zerioing in, we think, on her goal of owning them all.

Yes, that’s a super fan indeed. So much so, in fact, that she spread them all out with rose petals for us to share with you, dear reader.

Isn’t life grand? So is love! And that’s what we spread here at – not only for Valentine’s season but throughout the year. Get on board the Love Train.

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