LaunchGrowJoy names featured entrepreneur

launch grow joy logo_s named as a featured entrepreneur is a website that helps companies get started, provides strategies to help them grow, and strives to help companies find joy in what they are doing.

We were very pleased when they selected as one of their daily Featured Entrepreneurs. For 20 years we’ve been growing our company and doing it with joy, so we are happy to share some of our success with others.

Here is our answer to one of the questions in the article:

What advice would you give other entrepreneurs when they are first starting out?

“We took a chance, started our business on what we thought was a good idea, and it changed our lives. Our advice is very simple to anyone who wants to get something done, do it. You will never know whether you could have been a success if you do not try.”

Believe us, we are happy we gave ourselves a chance.

You can read the full article here:

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